Best of the West Water Taste Test
Our Section is proud to host the "Best of the West Water Taste Test" each year at the Western Canada Water Annual Conference and Exhibition.
AWWA Utility Members or Utilities with AWWA Members are invited to submit a water sample that will be tasted and scored individually by a panel of independent judges. In addition to bragging rights, the winner goes on to represent our Section at the Best of the Best Taste Test event at AWWA's Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE) the following year. (Includes prize money to help fund the trip and a complimentary ACE registration).
Past Winners
2023 - City of Lethbridge
2022 - City of Lethbridge
2019 - EPCOR
2018 - EPCOR
2017 - Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant
2016 - City of Lethbridge
2015 - City of Winnipeg
2014 - Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant
2013 - City of Winnipeg
If you are interested in learning more, please email email the WCS AWWA Office.
The winning Utility will receive one complimentary registration to ACE and $2000.00 to cover travel and expenses.